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To schedule a service call, hit the link below and someone will get back to you in a timely manner.

Emergency Service and After Hours

Secure Tech will respond to the emergency or after hours call for service with a return phone call within one hour. The Secure Tech on call technician will speak with the onsite representative requesting service. If the emergency service call is still deemed a Priority 1 by the customer representative, Secure Tech will be on-site within six (6) hours. This rate also includes holidays, after-hours and, normal business hours (8am – 3pm Monday through Friday). The time starts from portal-to-portal, rates subject to change. Please ask about rates when requesting a call.

Next Business Day

 Secure Tech will respond to a Priority 2 service call no later than the next business day. This call may need to be scheduled after normal business hours to accommodate scheduling. This rate excludes after hours and holiday (business hours 8am – 3pm Monday through Friday).  Time starts from portal-to-portal, rates subject to change. Please ask about rates when requesting a call.

Scheduled Call

Secure Tech will respond to a Priority 3 service call. This call will be a scheduled call by an agreed time. This rate also excludes after hours and holidays (business hours 8am – 3pm Monday through Friday). The time starts from portal-to-portal, rates subject to change. Please ask about rates when requesting a call.

Services: Services
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